Sea Grant announces $2 million in support of 2021 American Lobster Initiative efforts
A deckhand for the FV Sugar Daddy prepares a line of lobster traps to be set off shore of Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Photo by Tim Briggs | New Hampshire Sea Grant).
Hallee Meltzer, NOAA Sea Grant (>> Continue to full article)

Now Open: Knauss, NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship, and other Student Opportunities
MIT Sea Grant administers and promotes a number of fellowships and opportunities to support students pursuing studies in marine research. The application period is currently open for several programs:
NOAA Office for Coastal Management’s…

MIT IoT Seminar Series: Ocean IoT Focus
This Fall, the MIT IoT Seminar Series will focus on emerging technologies and research in Ocean IoT and their role in scientific exploration, climate change monitoring, underwater bioacoustics, marine robotics, and weather prediction. Some…

Announcing the new Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
Woods Hole Sea Grant and MIT Sea Grant are pleased to jointly announce the new Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship. The fellowship anticipates supporting two students applying to Massachusetts graduate programs and engaging…

Q&A SESSION APRIL 15 – Advancing Research for the Co-Existence of Fishing, Coastal Communities and Regional Ocean Renewable Energies

MIT Sea Grant is accepting nominations for the Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research through May 1, 2021
MIT Sea Grant is accepting student nominations from MIT faculty through May 1, 2021.
The Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research recognizes MIT students with marine-related projects that exemplify Dean Horn’s…

Sea Grant, DOE, NOAA Fisheries partner to support research for the co-existence of ocean energy with Northeast fishing and coastal communities

MIT News | Scientists discover slimy microbes that may help keep coral reefs healthy
The bacteria scrub out nitrogen, potentially defending against certain nutrient overloads.
Image: Robert Walker
>> Read full article via MIT News
MIT News | Researchers at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic…

Survey: Offshore Renewable Energy Stakeholder Needs
MIT Sea Grant would like your input on offshore renewable energy stakeholder needs. We are seeking feedback for three focus areas outlined below, as well as any additional stakeholder needs you may have that pertain to offshore renewable energy.

Convergence. Acceleration. Impact.
Workshop Details:
Session 1: October 5, 2020 (12 - 2:30 p.m. ET)
Session 2: October 7, 2020 (12 - 3:30 p.m. ET)
Session 3: October 9, 2020 (12 - 1 p.m. ET)
>> Conference Website: www.smartoceans2020.org