Sea Grant, DOE, NOAA Fisheries partner to support research for the co-existence of ocean energy with Northeast fishing and coastal communities
MIT News | Scientists discover slimy microbes that may help keep coral reefs healthy
The bacteria scrub out nitrogen, potentially defending against certain nutrient overloads.
Image: Robert Walker
>> Read full article via MIT News
MIT News | Researchers at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic…
Survey: Offshore Renewable Energy Stakeholder Needs
MIT Sea Grant would like your input on offshore renewable energy stakeholder needs. We are seeking feedback for three focus areas outlined below, as well as any additional stakeholder needs you may have that pertain to offshore renewable energy.
Convergence. Acceleration. Impact.
Workshop Details:
Session 1: October 5, 2020 (12 - 2:30 p.m. ET)
Session 2: October 7, 2020 (12 - 3:30 p.m. ET)
Session 3: October 9, 2020 (12 - 1 p.m. ET)
>> Conference Website:
Sea Grant announces $2 million in support of 2020 American Lobster Initiative projects
Sea Grant announces $2 million in support of the Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative to address scientific and stakeholder needs associated with this important fishery.Â
>> Read the full article from the National Sea Grant Office
A Message from the Director
On behalf of all our staff at the MIT Sea Grant Program, I would like to state our deeply held conviction that Black Lives Matter. Although we are a small unit, we believe that we can make a contribution…
June 23, 2020 MIT Sea Grant Funded Research Project Update: Ocean Acidification
MIT Sea Grant provides competitive funding opportunities through our core RFP for Massachusetts university-based research scientists who seek to address marine issues in ways that benefit the Commonwealth. Join us on Tuesday, June 23rd…
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Ecologist and researchers from BU, US EPA, CZM, ICTA – UAB publish eelgrass article in Estuaries and Coasts
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Ecologist Dr. Juliet Simpson worked with researchers from Boston University, US EPA, CZM, and the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA - UAB) in Spain, to publish a recent article in the Journal of the…
Qingmei (May) Wu wins the Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research
Photo: May Wu looks inside of a remotely operated boat with "The Father of Side Scan Sonar" Marty Klein.
MIT Sea Grant announces the winner of the 2020 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research. This year’s award goes…
MIT Team Wins Explorer Prize in the Ocean Observing Prize’s DISCOVER Competition from US DOE and NOAA
MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Assistant Professor Fadel Adib and his team from the Signal Kinetics Research Group at the MIT Media Lab spent long hours testing their novel designs in the MIT Sea Grant experimental tanks…