Three Interns Placed through Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts Program
Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts (AIM), a collaborative partnership with MIT Sea Grant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant, and Barnstable County Cooperative Extension, provided two weeks of training and three weeks of hands-on…
New Marine Debris Visualization Interface
MIT Sea Grant has developed a new marine debris visualization interface with interactive tools for exploring the flow of debris from land to ocean.
This new interface is a product of the project, "Massachusetts Marine Debris From Source…
August 3: Floating Wetland LEAP Lab with MIT Sea Grant + Charles River Conservancy
Floating Wetland LEAP Lab
Saturday, August 3, 2024
11AM-12PM, followed by a walking tour to the Floating Wetland
Kendall/MIT Open Space (292 Main St. Cambridge, MA)
Register here (free + family friendly)
Join MIT Sea Grant, the Charles…
River Herring Machine Learning Monitoring Systems
MIT Sea Grant Assistant Director, Advisory Services Robert Vincent and a team from the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University – Anuj Shrivatsav Srikanth, Saicharan Thirandas, Dhanush Adithya Balamuguran, Anurag…
Four MIT Sea Grant Students Place in MIT MechE De Florez Award Competition
The MIT Mechanical Engineering De Florez Award Competition honors students demonstrating "Outstanding Ingenuity and Creative Judgment" in areas that utilize mechanical engineering knowledge or practice.
Four MIT Sea Grant UROP (Undergraduate…
Special Sea Grant Issue of Oceanography
Introducing: Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts
Introducing a paid internship program to grow seafood here in Massachusetts!
The Massachusetts aquaculture industry is in search of staff who are reliable and willing to learn. Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts (AIM), a collaborative…
New Cohort of STREAM Grant Projects Support Coastal Education and Community Science
MIT Sea Grant Announces 11 STREAM Projects Selected for Funding
Now in its third year, the STREAM Grant program (Solutions Through Research, Education, and Art in Massachusetts) has awarded a total of 21 grants to a diversity of individuals…
SHIPSHAPE Podcast: Meet MIT Sea Grant Marine Extension Specialist Danny Badger
The Sea Grant Vision: How MIT Sea Grant's Programs Bridge Science and Community with Danny Badger
In this episode of SHIPSHAPE, delve into the world of marine scientific research with MIT Sea Grant Marine Extension Specialist Danny Badger.…
Join MIT Sea Grant at the Cambridge Science Festival Sept. 26 + Oct. 1
The Cambridge Science Festival Guide is now live! MIT Sea Grant will be hosting activities and tours September 26 and October 1, along with dozens of other groups and organizations. >>View the full Festival Guide
9/26: Sea Life and…