Students and Educators Investigate Marine Debris by Building, Launching, and Tracking Drifters
MIT Sea Grant, Stonehill College, and the Cohasset Center for Student Coastal Research activate a collaborative network to track marine debris
Through a collaborative project with MIT Sea Grant, Stonehill College, and the Cohasset Center…

Now Accepting Preproposals: FY2026-2028 Core RFP

How NOAA Sea Grant is Investing $4.25 Million to Further a Resilient Future
Sea Grant’s work in coastal adaptation and resilience includes research, education, technical assistance and outreach to support more resilient communities and economies across the nation.
January 16, 2025 | NOAA Sea Grant (Katrina…

MIT’s Day of Climate Funds MIT Sea Grant Coastal Climate Science Project + Other Curriculum Initiatives
MIT’s Day of Climate awards funding to build climate change curriculum to seven grantees representing 10 different MIT departments, labs, centers, and initiatives.
>>View full story via MIT Open Learning / Medium (By Mariah Rawding)

2025 Sea Grant Knauss Fellows Placed
In October, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program announced the finalists for the 2025 class of the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program.
>>Read the full NSGO story

MIT Sea Grant Welcomes Two Doherty Professors: Faez Ahmed (MechE) and Brady Weissbourd (Biology)
MIT Sea Grant welcomes two new Doherty Professors: Assistant Professor Faez Ahmed from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Assistant Professor Brady Weissbourd from the Department of Biology.
Assistant Professor Faez Ahmed was nominated…

2024 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellows
September 26, 2024 (Amara Davis - National Sea Grant Office)
Sea Grant and NOAA Fisheries are excited to announce the 2024 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship recipients. This year, seven population…

Sept 29: Catch MIT Sea Grant + SeaPerch II at the Cambridge Science Festival
Underwater Robots and Ocean Science with MIT Sea Grant
Meet SeaPerch II, a DIY underwater robot that can also take data on water quality! Stop by for interactive demonstrations of the sensors and grippers. Explore how climate change is affecting…

Public Comments Sought for MIT Sea Grant Review
Deadline: October 11, 2024
MIT Sea Grant will be reviewed on October 22-24, 2024 by a team convened by the National Sea Grant College Program. The review will be conducted on campus at MIT Sea Grant and will consider all aspects of MIT…

Three Interns Placed through Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts Program
Aquaculture Internships for Massachusetts (AIM), a collaborative partnership with MIT Sea Grant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant, and Barnstable County Cooperative Extension, provided two weeks of training and three weeks of hands-on…