Engineers Devise a Modular System to Produce Efficient, Scalable Aquabots
The system’s simple repeating elements can assemble into swimming forms ranging from eel-like to wing-shaped.
David L. Chandler | MIT News Office — Underwater structures that can change their shapes dynamically, the way fish do, push…
December 1: MIT Sea Grant FY2024 Core RFP Open House
MIT Sea Grant provides competitive funding opportunities through our Core Request For Proposals (RFP) for Massachusetts research scientists who seek to address marine issues in ways that benefit the Commonwealth.
We will hold an Informational…
Survey: Share your input with Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel by Nov. 18
The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel (NEANS Panel, would like to hear from you about your work and involvement with marine invasive species. The Panel, including MIT Sea Grant research scientist Carolina Bastidas, is…
Job Posting: Sustainable Solutions for Climate with MIT Resilient Communities Lab
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P)-Center for Advanced Urbanism-MIT Resilient Communities Lab (RCL), to join a team working on sustainable solutions for climate change adaptation that integrates traditional ecological…
New Paper Explores Eelgrass Carbon Storage and Wave Intensity in Nahant
A paper published in Science of the Total Environment shows how carbon rates in a Nahant seagrass meadow correlate with wave intensity
A team of researchers from the Environmental Protection Agency, Boston University, MIT, and others including…
New Whitepapers Outline Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Marine Waters
Recommendations of the Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region 1) and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
The Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel (OMSAP),…
MIT Sea Grant Announces First STREAM Funded Projects
STREAM Grants program kicks off with documentary filmmaking, water quality monitoring, robotics, and microplastics research
August 30, 2022 — This May, MIT Sea Grant launched a new grants program open to a diversity of Massachusetts…
Massachusetts Sea Grant Fellows Focus in on Microplastics and Seabirds
MIT Sea Grant and Woods Hole Sea Grant jointly announce two fellows with new Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
August 8, 2022 — Last August, MIT Sea Grant and Woods Hole Sea Grant announced a new fellowship program to…
NOAA’s Sea Grant and Disaster Preparedness Programs help address disaster impacts and recovery with three new projects
Dale Oakley Jr., Assistant Director of Natural Resources, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, is a key personnel on MIT Sea Grant’s disaster preparedness project. Oakley stands next to a camera system installed as part of a river herring monitoring project…
Ethan Lietch (MechE ’22) wins Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research
MIT Sea Grant announces the winner of the 2022 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research. This year’s award goes to Ethan Lietch, a graduating senior in the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department, for his work developing…