A group of scientists and volunteeres gathered on a dock for Shell Day last year
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SHELL DAY 2019 | August 22 & 23

Join the first coastal acidification monitoring blitz in the Northeast! Over 50 organizations will simultaneously collect water samples across New England to provide a snapshot of seawater conditions affecting shellfish and other coastal…
Oyster farm with many wire enclosures on flat wet sand
Colorfully abstract painting by Nedret Andre inspired by eel grass
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Coastal Ecologist Julie Simpson gives a talk on eelgrass to kick off the Copley Square Hotel Art Square Gallery’s first exhibit, Ocean Life

MIT Sea Grant Coastal Ecologist Julie Simpson gave a talk to kick off the Copley Square Hotel Art Square Gallery’s first exhibit, Ocean Life. Artist Nedret Andre’s seagrass-inspired art opening was held on July 18 5-7pm. Ocean Life is…
Keith Ellenbogen and Rep. Joe Kennedy in his office in Capitol Hill.
Gulf of Maine 2050 logo
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Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Open for Registration, Abstracts, and New Sponsors

Registration is open for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Nov 4-8 in Portland, Maine. Join MIT Sea Grant's Carolina Bastidas, Judith Pederson, and over 30 organizations contributing to the development of a collaborative 30-year…
Aerial photograph of Castle Island and Massachusetts Bay with many boats and tall ships
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2300 Days at Sea: Monitoring the Impacts of the Outfall on Massachusetts Bay

April 2019 Executive Summary of November 2018 Workshop | Atlantic Wharf, Boston, Massachusetts Executive Summary of the Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel Workshop  Full Workshop Transcript Prepared by Judith Pederson, Massachusetts…