SHELL DAY 2019 | August 22 & 23
Join the first coastal acidification monitoring blitz in the Northeast! Over 50 organizations will simultaneously collect water samples across New England to provide a snapshot of seawater conditions affecting shellfish and other coastal…

Shellfish Aquaculture Webinar Series with the National Sea Grant Law Center

Coastal Ecologist Julie Simpson gives a talk on eelgrass to kick off the Copley Square Hotel Art Square Gallery’s first exhibit, Ocean Life
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Ecologist Julie Simpson gave a talk to kick off the Copley Square Hotel Art Square Gallery’s first exhibit, Ocean Life.
Artist Nedret Andre’s seagrass-inspired art opening was held on July 18 5-7pm. Ocean Life is…

Via NMSF | Hollings Award Grantee Keith Ellenbogen Brings His Underwater Images to Capitol Hill

Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Open for Registration, Abstracts, and New Sponsors
Registration is open for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Nov 4-8 in Portland, Maine. Join MIT Sea Grant's Carolina Bastidas, Judith Pederson, and over 30 organizations contributing to the development of a collaborative 30-year…

2300 Days at Sea: Monitoring the Impacts of the Outfall on Massachusetts Bay
April 2019 Executive Summary of November 2018 Workshop | Atlantic Wharf, Boston, Massachusetts
Executive Summary of the Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel WorkshopÂ
Full Workshop Transcript
Prepared by Judith Pederson, Massachusetts…