The Marine Advisory Services team uses the MIT Sea Grant Biology Lab for applied research.
Current projects focus on topics from eelgrass carbon storage to river herring food web contributions. Student interns also work with our visiting artist to photograph single-celled marine organisms using microscopy. Read more about Marine Advisory Services >>
The ocean engineering teaching lab features a makerspace workshop and a 3000-gallon tank.
The windowed tank is used for testing student-built marine drifters, instruments, robotics, and vehicles. MIT Sea Grant instructors teach engineering courses here, and the facilities are also utilized by hundreds of students each year, from elementary school summer camps, to National Geographic Explorer sessions with the MIT Media Lab.
While MIT Sea Grant also utilizes the MIT Towing Tank within the Center for Ocean Engineering, we have our own tank right here in the facility. Current work in the lab includes biomimetic flow sensing with seal whiskers, and fluid dynamics research with a machine learning spin. Read more about the robotic Intelligent Towing Tank >>
Interested in renting the MIT Sea Grant Tow Tank? The current user rate is $93.75/hour or $750/day. Please email seagrantinfo@mit.edu for the Towing Tank user form.