Carolina Bastidas
Research Scientist
Carolina Bastidas is a research scientist at MIT Sea Grant’s Marine Advisory Services group. She is a marine scientist with over fifteen years of professional experience in basic and applied research on the ecology of marine hard-bottom communities and human impacts on them. After earning her PhD from James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, Bastidas was appointed to a faculty position at Universidad Simón BolÃvar in Caracas, Venezuela, where she spent ten years establishing valuable collaborations between local and international colleagues, and focused her work largely on coral reefs and the biology of their marine invertebrates. Bastidas’ portfolio also includes a vast array of teaching and mentoring, proposal writing, leading and managing research projects, and communicating her research results in peer-reviewed journals and through outreach activities.
Ph.D. in Marine Biology, James Cook University
M.Sc. in Biological Sciences, Universidad Simón BolÃvar
Licentiate [BSc (Hons)] in Biology, Universidad Simón BolÃvar
Research Interests
Bastidas’ research interests include changes in the structure of marine hard-bottom communities, the connectivity of populations, the biology of benthic marine invertebrates linked to global climate change, and eutrophication and pollution. Her recent work has contributed towards understanding climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems, particularly how coastal acidification have impacted and will further impact benthic communities such as oyster reefs.
Entries by Carolina Bastidas
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
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