An aerial shot of a blue-green Massachusetts Bay and Castle Island with many boats and a couple of tall ships
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November 19, 2019: MIT Sea Grant Core Funded Research Progress Update

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 from 1:00 - 3:30 pm 12 Emily Street (NW98), Cambridge, MA 02139 The streamed video of the session is available to view here, and embedded below. MIT Sea Grant provides competitive funding opportunities through…
A blue vectorized map of the Gulf of Maine with the symposium logo overlaid
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MIT Sea Grant Joins Hundreds of Leaders and Scientists Focusing on the Future of the Gulf of Maine

Scientists, planners, and leaders – largely from New England and the Maritime Provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) have convened in Portland for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium November 4-8, 2019.…
Underwater photographer Keith Ellenbogen stands on the back of a boat with a Knauss Fellow and the superintendent of Stellwagen Bank.
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Space to Sea Shares Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary’s Mission to Inspire the Public

MIT Sea Grant visiting artist Keith Ellenbogen explores Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary through compelling visual images and environmental storytelling aboard NOAA’s Research Vessel Auk. Just before 5:30 am on August 12, Keith…
Harbor seal with prominent whiskers
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Heather Beem (PhD ’15 MechE) | Seal-whisker-inspired sensing

Inspired by the ability of seals to detect flow features and other underwater information through their whiskers, Dr. Heather Beem (PhD ’15) has designed a sensor that could be used by underwater robots to collect data on hydrothermal events…
Two large oysters held in someones hands
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MIT Sea Grant funded researchers building sensors to detect pathogens and ensure healthy oyster farming

MIT Sea Grant funded researchers are building a sensor to detect when bacteria that live on oysters become pathogenic and can cause illness in humans, informing aquaculture operations, production planning, and management. The relevance of…
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“Digital Ocean” Development through Geospatial Data Visualization

MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources Program Geospatial Data Analysis and Visualization System Development MIT Sea Grant is developing the “Digital Ocean”, a marine data storage, analysis, and visualization system for use by scientists, resource…