Aquatic Nuisance Species Research and Outreach and Improved Methods for Ballast Water Treatment and Mangement: Second Conference On Marine Bioinvasions
Lead Pi: Judith Pederson · 10/1999 - 9/2001
Project Personnel: Chrys Chryssostomidis
Objectives:The purpose of this proposal is to convene a Second National Conference on Marine Bioinvasions to provide a forum for researchers, managers, the public and students to present their findings and exchange information.Methodology:The Conference was held in New Orleans, LA in April 2001, in conjunction with the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. A steering committee with national and Canadian (one) representatives was appointed to provide advice on Conference planning. The preliminary announcement was sent approximately one year in advance of the Conference, followed by a brochure announcing the dates, deadline for abstract submission, web site registration information, and general conference information. Fund raising efforts supplemented the initial request from Sea Grant to cover to costs associated with the Conference. In addition, registration fees will cover the cost of food and related amenities during the Conference.Rationale:There is no formal, single meeting dedicated to research and management issues on marine invaders. The First National Conference on Marine Bioinvaders was held in January 1999 and attracted over 250 participants including Secretary Bruve Babbitt, who delivered the keynote plenary talk. The meeting was successful in providing a forum for poster presentations and informal exchanges during breaks and lunches. Enhanced awareness and opportunities to collaborate are two outcomes. Evaluations from the conference were very positive and suggestions were made to hold another conference in a year or two, with the majority favoring a biennial conference. This proposal requests funds to initiate the planning process, send out initial notification of the Conference and distribute a brochure, conduct the Conference in April 2001 (with associated meeting expenses), and publish a Proceedings.