Judith Pederson
Research Affiliate
Dr. Pederson coordinates the Gulf of Maine Regional Ocean Science Initiative and compiled and edited the 2009 Gulf of Maine Strategic Ocean Science Plan. An international expert on marine invasive species, her research focuses on the “biopollution” of marine bioinvasions in near-shore and offshore areas of the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. In addition to her research over the past 20 years, Pederson has further contributed to water-quality monitoring, clean-up efforts in Boston Harbor and other areas of Massachusetts, and the disposal of contaminated marine sediments. Prior to joining MIT Sea Grant in 1995, Pederson worked as a coastal ecologist at the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management.
Ph.D. (S. Johnson, W. Johansen), Biology (Marine Ecology), Clark University, 1980
M.S. Zoology (Physiology), Syracuse University, 1967
B.A. in Science Education (Biology) Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1963
Appointments (Recent)
Manager, MITSG Center for Coastal Resources, MIT Sea Grant, 1995-2010
Coastal Ecologist, MA Coastal Zone Management, EOEA, 1986-1995
Activities (Recent)
Coordinator for Regional Ocean Science Initiative, 2007
Appointed Chair of ICES WGITMO, 2006-present
U.S. Appointee to the ICES Working Groups on Marine Invaders, 2002-present
Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Panel [Co-Chair (2004-2006)], 2001-present
Chair, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay Combined Sewer Overflow Study, 2001-2004
Organized Rapid Assessment Surveys of Marine Non-native Species, 2007, -03, -00
Convened two workshop on Regional Ballast Water Management, 2002, 2003
Co-Chair, Marine Bioinvasions International Conference I, II, III, and IV and V, 2000-present
Entries by Judith Pederson
Current Projects
2003 International Conference On Marine Bioinvasions
Judith Pederson · 07/2007 - 12/2008
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
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