High School Students Participate in MIT Sea Grant¡s Ocean Engineering Experience

The Ocean Engineering Experience (OEX) is a one-week, hands-on, residential ocean engineering program for high school students entering their junior or senior year. This program is designed to engage students in challenging real-world educational…

Participate in our joint MIT & Woods Hole Sea Grant Survey

The National Sea Grant Program and individual Sea Grant programs are developing strategic plans for 2014-2018. The four major focus areas for the plan are (1) Healthy Coasts, Oceans and Great Lakes; (2) Safe Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture;…

Synopsis of upcoming REX II presentation at NOAA Conference

MIT Sea Grant intern and Hollings Scholar Collin Perkinson will make a presentation at the NOAA Science and Education Symposium to be held July 31 - August 2, 2012 in Silver Springs, MD. Perkinson will discuss efforts to employ 3D imagery technology…

Storm Surge Awareness and Hurricane Preparedness Week

May 27 ¤ June 2 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week! Hurricane season officially starts on June 1 of every year. Although this year is predicted to have average or below-average hurricane activity, it¡s still good to be prepared; major…

Students Take On Underwater Engineering Challenge as part of the MIT Sea Grant Program

Cambridge, MA ¤ On May 3rd, 80 high school and middle school students made their way to MIT¡s Zesiger Athletic Center pool to test their engineering prowess at the Sea Perch Institute Challenge 2012 year-end event. At the pool, the students…

Lexington High School Ocean Bowl Team Takes 4th Place in National Contest

Cambridge, MA ¤ MIT Sea Grant is pleased to announce that the winning team from the Blue Lobster Bowl took 4th place in the 15th annual National Ocean Sciences Bowl Finals, held April 19-22, 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland. The team from Lexington…

Degradation of Coastal Waters

MIT Sea Grant funded researcher, Matt Charette, along with Henrieta Dulaiova, has developed a radon/nitrate mapping system for a large scale assessment of submarine groundwater discharge and non-point source pollution to coastal watersBy Nancy…

Volunteers needed for Charles River Clean-up, Sat. April 21, 9-12.

Come help MIT Sea Grant with the Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup! MIT Sea Grant is coordinating trash pick-up along the grassy areas and sidewalks on the Cambridge side of the Charles River between the Massachusetts Avenue and Longfellow…