Event on March 24th 2:00PM to Launch RESCUES: Responding to Emergencies at Sea and to Communities Under Extreme Stress
March 21, 2016 ¢ GLOUCESTER, Mass. ¢ The following was released by Fishing Partnership Support Services:Two organizations serving commercial fishermen in Massachusetts will hold an event in Gloucester this week to introduce a comprehensive…
New Digital Coast Fellowship Opportunity
The NOAA Office for Coastal Management is recruiting candidates for three Digital Coast Fellowship opportunities in 2016. This program is modeled after the Coastal Management fellowship program and has a similar mission: to provide on-the-job…
The Charles River Alliance of Boaters and MIT Sea Grant Chart the Charles River
MIT Sea Grant is using low cost, commercially available, fish finding equipment mounted on both autonomous surface vehicles and volunteer driven boats to chart parts of the Charles River that haven't been mapped for decades. Sediment deposition…
New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center Leases Downtown Space
New Bedford, MA ¢ The New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center is pleased to announce its plans to lease space at 38 Bethel Street beginning on April 1st of this year. Located in the heart of New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, the 3000…
MIT Sea Grant’s summer UROP openings
The effects of ocean acidification and warming on the calcification of New England mollusksAtmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (pCO2) increases since the Industrial Revolution has caused the acidity of surface seawater to decrease by…
Sea Grant celebrates its 50th anniversary
On March 8, Sea Grant will celebrate its 50th anniversary. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed The National Sea Grant College Program Act, and today, that program reaches every coastal and Great Lakes state, as well as Puerto Rico and…
MIT Sea Grant announces three newly funded projects studying the impacts of ocean acidification
MIT Sea Grant has selected three research projects for funding from our annual request for proposals. The projects focus on understanding the impacts of ocean acidification and will collectively receive approximately $600 thousand in federal…
MIT Sea Grant coastal ecologist Judy Pederson recognized for her support of student at the International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
MIT Sea Grant coastal ecologist Judy Pederson was recognized along with her colleague James Carlton from Williams College were recognized at the biannual International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions for their work supporting students. The…
Brown Bag Seminar by Changsheng Chen, FVCOM: Development, Improvement, and Applications
Please join us for a lunch time seminar about FVCOM, a Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model. A demonstration will be given for updated existing modules and new modules that will be released in the next version of FVCOM. Monday, February 29th,…
Green Eelgrass, Blue Carbon
MIT Sea Grant is working with several partners to conduct a study to quantify the carbon storage of eelgrass beds in Massachusetts. By understanding the role that eelgrass ecosystems play in preparing for and mitigating the effects of climate…