MIT Sea Grant Announces Eight Core RFP Funded Projects
MIT Sea Grant provides competitive funding opportunities for Massachusetts research scientists who seek to address marine issues in ways that benefit the state and region. Funding is provided through MIT Sea Grant’s competitive Core Request for Proposals (RFP). Eight projects have been awarded funding through the 2023 Core RFP:
Ocean Acidification in an Intensely Farmed Coastal Bay System (Lead PI: David Ralston, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Developing Ropeless Autonomous Depth Controlled Structures for Aquaculture to Enable US Expansion Further Offshore (Lead PI: Ted Maney, Salem State University)
Physics-Based Direct Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of Aquaculture Farm including Interactions with Fish Schools and Flexible Structures (Lead PI: Dick Yue, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
TRRAFICC: Toolbox for Robust, Real-time, Automated FIsh Classification and Counting (Lead PI: Dipanjan Saha, Northeastern University)
Data Driven, Causal Discovery of the Effects of Climate Change, Ocean Acidification and Management in Fish and Invertebrate Stocks (Lead PI: Petros Koumoutsakos, Harvard University)
Testing an Acoustic Method to Detect and Quantify Abundance of Longfin Squid Egg Masses Using Sidescan Sonar (Lead PI: Mark Borrelli, Center for Coastal Studies)
Application of an Autonomous Sailboat for Fish Population Monitoring (Lead PI: Michael Benjamin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Development of Remote Sensing Water Quality Indices in Inland and Coastal Waters (Lead PI: Steven Lohrenz, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)