Sea Grant Program Management
Lead Pi: Chrys Chryssostomidis · 2/2007 - 1/2008
Project Personnel: Richard Morris
Objectives:MIT Sea Grant College Program is responsible for Sea Grant’s activities in Massachusetts and works as the senior partner in collaboration with the Sea Grant Institutional Program and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Program Management objectives are to support the goals of the National Sea Grant College Program and those of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by deploying financial and human resources in appropriate endeavors throughout the Commonwealth. This revision to the current project, Sea Grant Program Management (PM-1), will support the addition management and guidance of the MIT Sea Grant strategic planning, research direction, and operational demands in keeping with continued expansion of the NSGO program themes.Methodology:Broad policy and program directions are established by the two advisory bodies working in concert with the Sea Grant Director. Both the State Advisory Council and the Sea Grant Faculty committee meet three times per year, including a joint meeting for preliminary project proposal review and the process of selecting projects for full write up. At a subsequent meeting, full proposal write ups and peer review rankings are discussed to aid the Director regarding content of the annual Omnibus Proposal. A third joint meeting is held each year to review advisory themes, discuss research objectives and advisory activities. Rationale:MIT Sea Grant is the locus for activities and personnel involved in the MIT Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Laboratory. MIT has given us some limited additional space. Co-locating the AUV Lab in the Sea Grant office has been mutually beneficial. The research staff and students stimulate and support our advisory efforts and, in turn, all visitors to MIT Sea Grant are exposed to our AUV activities.