Focused Research
Objectives:The objective of this project is to plan and conduct focused research in collaboration with, and jointly sponsored by, industry and government agencies in order to attack major problems of broad interest to the marine community and to foster industrial competitiveness by transferring the resulting technology to users.Methodology:We have established the new Focused Research Program as an independent, viable activity having equal status with our Advisory and Core Research activities. The Research Plan for a new Focused research Program is included as a component of this Omnibus proposal. Included is a Focused Research/Marine Center Program, “Biomimetic Rigid-Hull Vehicle with Flapping Foils for Enhanced Agility in the Surf Zone and Cluttered Environments.” This program will build upon the leading edge research resulting from prior Focused Research Programs most notably those more recent dealing with the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) which is today being used in its advanced design in field studies all over the world.Rationale:We envision that our proposed study of flapping foils coupled with the AUV research results and the Poseidon ocean system architecture will result in an unattended coastal observation and exploration capability unparalleled today. The necessary subsystems only dreamed of just a few years ago, are nearly at hand.