Marina Santos, a first-year student at Wellesley College, created this StoryMap, Lobster Lore, as a part of an internship with MIT Sea Grant under the supervision of Dr. Carolina Bastidas through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).
After noticing a sea of misinformation regarding lobster consumption in New England, she began to investigate a specific piece of lobster lore that claimed there was a riot in colonial Massachusetts about overfeeding lobster to indentured servants and prisoners.
Jan Davidsz. de Heem. Still Life with Fruit and Lobster. 17th century. Oil on canvas. Photographer: Jörg P. Anders. Image and data provided by Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
This research would not have been possible without the help of:
- Carolina Bastidas, Lily Keyes, Elaine Sun, Maggie Erwin | MIT Sea Grant
- Rebecca Selden | Wellesley College Biology Department
- Dani Henry, Sarah Barbrow, Daria Hafner, Brooke Henderson, Shane Cox | Wellesley College Library
- Ece Turnator | MIT Libraries
- Nancy Balcom | CT Sea Grant
- Nancy Solomon | Long Island Traditions
- Kathleen Curtin | University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Massachusetts Historical Commission, State Library of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society, Maine State Museum, Maine Department of Marine Resources, and NOAA Sea Grant