A deckhand on a lobster fishing vessel preparing equipment at sea.

A deckhand for the FV Sugar Daddy prepares a line of lobster traps to be set off shore of Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Photo by Tim Briggs | New Hampshire Sea Grant).


Hallee Meltzer, NOAA Sea Grant  (>> Continue to full article)

Sea Grant announces $2 million in support of the Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative to address scientific and stakeholder needs associated with this important fishery. 

This is Sea Grant’s third year of research and extension funding to address critical gaps in knowledge about how American lobster is being impacted by environmental change in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank and southern New England. The focus of this work is based on specific language in Sea Grant’s fiscal year 2021 appropriations language.

This year’s funding will support Sea Grant’s Northeast Regional Lobster Extension Program in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island in addition to supporting continuing efforts for three research projects initially funded in 2020 and six new research projects for 2021.

>> Read the full article and funded projects list via NOAA Sea Grant

>> Learn more about the work of Sea Grant’s American Lobster Initiative

>> Visit the American Lobster Initiative website