June 23, 2020 MIT Sea Grant Funded Research Project Update: Ocean Acidification

1:00 – 3:00 pm
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Quantifying Acidification Levels in the US North East Coast via Machine Learning Tools
PI: Themistoklis Sapsis, MIT
Bayesian Intelligent Ocean Modeling and Acidification Prediction Systems
PI: Pierre Lermusiaux, MIT
Project Development: Multi-fidelity Modeling for Non-Linear and Multi-Valued Correlations
PI: Chrys Chryssostomidis, MIT
AQUA-MIT: Novel Computational Capability for Aquaculture Cage and Mooring System Design in Severe Seas
PI: Yuming Liu, MIT
A New Paradigm for Pervasive and Persistent Monitoring of Ocean Acidity Using a Distributed System of Autonomous Mobile Robots
PI: Dick Yue, MIT
Measuring Acid/Base Chemistry in the Extrapallial Fluids of New England’s Commercially Important Mollusks to Explore their Differential Responses to Ocean Acidification
PI: Justin Ries, Northeastern University
Making Sense of the Variability of Coastal Ocean Acidification: Potential Long-Term Impacts on the Oyster Aquaculture Industry
PI: Robert Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston