How can California¡s fisheries be readiedŒ for climate change?

Madeleine Hall-Arber, MIT Sea Grant¡s anthropologist serves on the Science Advisory Team (SAT) for the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC). The mission of the OPC is to ensure that California maintains healthy, resilient, and productive ocean and coastal ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations.Œ In order to achieve this mission, the OPC relies on their Science Advisory Team to identify best available science, help identify priorities for the information needs of state agencies, and to develop strategies for incorporating science into management decisions. Since preparing for the negative impacts of climate change and promoting sustainable fisheries and ecosystems are among the top goals of the OPC, the SAT will hold a workshop on February 25, 2015 to begin to address the challenges of managing and promoting adaptation in the face of climate change. Hall-Arber will be on a panel discussing topics such as risk, vulnerability and sources of knowledge. Learn more about the OPC here.

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