Online Ocean Sciences Quiz now live! Brought to you by MIT Sea Grant and the National Ocean Sciences Bowl.

AboutRachel VanCott of the MIT Sea Grant College Program has been working with the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) to develop an online game to promote ocean literacy and engage students, teachers, and teams worldwide. The first phase (single-player) of the Ocean Sciences Quiz (OSQ) is now available to play! OSQ Question Writing ContestTo further get students involved and to build the question database, we are holding a contest to encourage question writing for the OSQ. Learn more about the contest and prizes here or by clicking the floating bottle on the front page. This contest is open only to high school students but anyone can submit questions. Contest winners will be notified in May 2012.Seeking Student VolunteersIf you’re a local college student, interested in helping with game development, please contact Rachel at

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