MIT Sea Grant Marine Industry Collegium
Objectives:To expand the sucessful MIT Marine Industry Collegium format throughout the National Sea Grant Program. This expansion will assist other Sea Grant programs in delivering the results of their current research efforts to marine industry and in turn provide a forum whereby Sea Grant researchers may learn what the current research needs are of industry. This project will also contribute to the development of more collaborative interactions among the twenty eight other Sea Grant institutions. Ultimately, this project will increase the awareness within marine industry of the National Sea Grant Program and the research contributions it is making towards the advancement of marine science and technology.Methodology:Each year, a 1.5-2 day workshop will occur at a host Sea Grant College Program. A workshop topic is chosen through close consultation between the principal investigator and a host Sea Grant institution. The workshop topic will reflect both the results of current research at a host institution and the information/research needs of the marine industrial community.Rationale:The workshop format that the MIT Marine Industry Collegium program has developed successfully provides industry and MIT Sea Grant researchers with an efficient and effective opportunity for the exchange of ideas, research results and needs in a neutral academic setting. Transferring this format to a national Sea Grant wide level will ensure that the results of Sea Grant research nationwide are promptly conveyed to the marine community and that Sea Grant researchers are made aware of the needs of this community.