Assessing the Bioactivity of Estrogens, Including Halogenated Derivatives, in Chlorinated Sewage Effluents and Coastal Seawater

Lead Pi: Philip Gschwend · 2/2012 - 4/2015

Project Personnel: Ann Tarrant

Project number: 2012-R/RC-128
Strategic Focus Area: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

This project seeks to measure halogenated estrogens in the waters of Massachusetts Bay, thus enabling a realistic assessment of the risk posed by these compounds to fisheries and coastal ecosystem health. Currently these steroidal hormones are making their way into both fresh and ocean waters, where they cause anomalies such as the feminization of fish, which has been seen in response to exposures to sewage effluent. Results will provide the first integrated assessment of the bioactivity of halogenated derivatives relative to other estrogen forms and provide new data to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority relevant to their on-going efforts to protect the health of the Massachusetts Bay ecosystem.