TRRAFICC: Toolbox for Robust, Real-time, Automated FIsh Classification and Counting
· 02/2023 - 01/2024Project number: 2023-R/RRFA-011 -
Physics-Based Direct Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of Aquaculture Farm including Interactions with Fish Schools and Flexible Structures
· 02/2023 - 01/2024Project number: 2023-R/RRFA-012 -
Developing Ropeless Autonomous Depth Controlled Structures for Aquaculture to Enable US Expansion Further Offshore
· 02/2023 - 01/2024Project number: 2023-R/RRFA-013 -
Ocean Acidification in an Intensely Farmed Coastal Bay System
· 02/2023 - 01/2024Project number: 2023-R/RRHC-008 -
Advanced imaging and sensing technology for improved aquaculture fish cage management
· 09/2020 - 01/2023Project number: 2020-R/RC-160 -
Ecosystem Characterization in the US North East Coast using Big Data and Machine Learning
Themistoklis Sapsis · 02/2021 - 01/2023Project number: 2021-R/RRHC-003 -
Low-Cost Underwater Robotic Tools for Automated Inspection and Monitoring of Offshore Aquaculture Farms
Lee Freitag · 02/2021 - 01/2023Project number: 2021-R/RRFA-002 -
Implementation of Large-Scale Pervasive Ocean Acidity Monitoring Using a Distributed System of Autonomous Mobile Robots
Dick Yue · 02/2021 - 01/2023Project number: 2021-R/RRHC-001
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)