Fairhaven Town Hall, Fairhaven, MASaturday, March 19-20, 2005 Recent tragedies involving the loss of New England fishermen are a harsh reminder of the high risk of commercial fishing and the need for improved safety for fishermen.To address…

Public Forum on Proposed Offshore Wind Farm

DEIS Public HearingDecember 16, 2004Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 10-250registration 6pm; hearing 7-11pmContact Person: Clifford GoudeySummary:No one doubts the finite nature of the world's fossil fuel reserves. However, how to…

Seeking Sunken Treasures and Signals in the Aegean

Taken any nifty trips lately?On its most recent mission, the MIT Sea Grant Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Lab traveled back in time. Well, not exactly, but the goal of the expedition in Greece was to inspect archaeological sites in the…