Ocean Engineering Experience Students test Wind Turbine and marine ROV of their own designs Friday, July 30, MIT Sailing Pavilion
Cambridge, MA, July 23 ¤ The MIT Ocean Engineering Experience (OEX), a new, week-long summer academic program, begins Monday, July 25 with high school students from Georgia, Washington, Maryland and Massachusetts. A final demonstration event…
MIT Sea Grant Director Appointed to Committee Analyzing Technical Aspects Leading to Gulf Oil Spill
WASHINGTON ¢ The National Academy of Engineering and the National Research Council have named Donald C. Winter, former secretary of the navy, to chair a committee that will conduct a technical analysis of the causes of the Deepwater Horizon…
Thurs, June 24 at 6 PM: Gallery Talk by MITSG’s Sarah Hammond, & List Visual Arts Center’s Mark Linga.
Join MIT Sea Grant Program educator, Sarah Hammond, and List Visual Arts Center educator, Mark Linga, for a gallery walk through tour of Tavares Strachan¡s exhibition Orthostatic Tolerance: It Might Not Be Such a Bad Idea if I Never Went Home.One…
High School Students from San Diego, CA; Newton, MA; & Andover, MA Chosen for MIT Ocean Engineering Summer Internships at MIT Sea Grant College Program & the MIT Center for Ocean Engineering
May 14 ¤ Two Boston area high school students, Cole Kerr (Newton North) and Stephanie Liu (Phillips Andover Academy), and two students from High Tech High in San Diego, Beth Lacarra and Jake Neighbors, have been chosen for the MIT Ocean Engineering…
MIT Sea Grant collaborates with artist Tavares Strachan on his major solo exhibition at the MIT List Visual Arts Center through July 11, 2010.
MIT SEA GRANT AND LIST VISUAL ART CENTER COLLABORATIONMIT Sea Grant (collaborates with artists and cultural organizations in order to amplify the themes of MIT Sea Grant¡s work. By collaborating with artists who use MIT Sea Grant technology,…
MIT Sea Grant¡s Sea Perch to be tested by 24 UniversitÔ Pierre et Marie Curie Students May 28, 2010 at the Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Saint Cyr l’Ecole, France
Funded by Total Corporation, this presentation will conclude Year Two of University-Based Program for Marine Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)Beginning in fall, 2008, the MIT Sea Grant College Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, entered into…
MIT Sea Grant College Program is seeking nominations for the 2010 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research – Deadline: May 21, 2010
The MIT Sea Grant College Program is seeking nominations for the 2010 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research. MIT undergraduates from any department are eligible. An award of $1000 and a certificate will be presented in…
Sea Perch Institute Challenge with High School & Middle School Students June 1, MIT Zesiger Center Pool
Cambridge, MA, May 5, 2010¢ The MIT Sea Grant College program will present the final underwater robotics projects of Sea Perch Institute students at MIT¡s Zesiger Athletic Center pool, June 1, 2010 from 9 AM to 1 PM. The 250 students from…
Lincoln-Sudbury Wins Blue Lobster Bowl
Contact: Andrea Cohen, MIT Sea Grant: 617-253-3461; alcohen@mit.eduCAMBRIDGE, MA¢Students from Lincoln-Sudbury High School took home the first place prize at the 2010 Blue Lobster Bowl held at MIT on February 6. Second place went to Lexington…
Top High School Students Compete in Blue Lobster Bowl at MIT
MIT Sea Grant College Program NEWS RELEASEFor Immediate Release: January 20, 2010 Contacts: Andrea Cohen, MIT Sea Grant: 617-253-3461; alcohen@mit.edu Jordan Lewis, MIT Center for Ocean Engineering: 617-324-3558; lewisjb@mit.eduCAMBRIDGE, Mass.…