Division of Marine Fisheries announces that the Nauset Estuary is closed to the harvest of all shellfishdue to Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) toxin, known also as red tide.

March 7, 2012Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Marine FisheriesPaul J. Diodati, Director251 Causeway Street, Suite 400, Boston, Massachusetts 02114(617) 626-1520Due to Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) toxin (also known as "Red Tide")…

New Research Funding Awarded

MIT Sea Grant: New Research Awards, February 2012DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED SEEPAGE METER FOR QUANTIFYING SUBMARINE GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE IN THE COASTAL ZONEMatthew Charette, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionProject Summary: Nutrient-rich,…

Winners of the 15th Annual Blue Lobster Bowl: Lexington Team A!

Please join us in congratulating Lexington High School Team A, and their coach, Sarah Damassa, for taking first place in the 15th annual Blue Lobster Bowl!The Blue Lobster Bowl, Massachusetts' regional marine science quiz bowl, is one of the…

Olesnavage wins 2012 Dean A. Horn Award

The MIT Sea Grant College Program has awarded the 2012 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research to Katy Olesnavage, a graduating senior in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Olesnavage was nominated for her senior…

Ecologists Capture First Deep-Sea Fish Noises

Released: 1/26/2012 1:35 PM ESTSource: University of Massachusetts AmherstNewswise ¢ AMHERST, Mass. ¤ University of Massachusetts Amherst fish biologists have published one of the first studies of deep-sea fish sounds in more than 50 years,…

MIT Sea Grant supported researcher to deploy robotic Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) for “red tide” toxins in Spring 2012

With support from MIT Sea Grant, Don Anderson of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), in collaboration with Co-Principal Investigators Juliette Smith (WHOI) and Gregory Doucette (NOAA¡s Marine Biotoxin Program), is scheduled to deploy…

Seafood CSAs, including Cape Ann Fresh Catch, chosen by Bon Appetit as #1 trend for 2012 in “25 Things to Eat, Drink, and Cook in 2012”

25 Things to Eat, Drink, and Cook in 2012 We're calling out the trends we see taking off next year, from how to shop to where to book a table before everyone else does 1. Seafood CSAsIt started with kale and kohlrabi, then expanded to…

2013 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Applications Due February 17, 2012

The 2013 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship competition is now open. The Knauss fellowship provides a unique educational experience to students who have an interest in ocean and coastal resources,…

Ocean Modeling

Modeling the spread of radioactivity in seawater: Researchers funded by MIT Sea Grant develop model to examine near-shore and open-ocean circulation by Rachel VanCott When earthquake-triggered tsunami waves hit Japan in March of 2011, the surging…