MIT Sea Grant Visiting Artist Keith Ellenbogen wins Hollings Ocean Awareness Award
Keith Ellenbogen, a visiting artist at MIT Sea Grant was recently awarded an Ernest F. Hollings Ocean Awareness Award from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation for his artistic and innovative project entitled: Space to Sea ¢ A Photographic…
MIT Sea Grant’s FY2019 call for pre-proposals is open
Pre-proposals are due by Tuesday March 6, 2018 by 5:00PM. Full Proposals are due by Tuesday June 12, 2018 by 5:00PM.In 2019 MIT Sea Grant will focus our funding resources on the following specific areas of marine research:(1) Aquaculture Technologies:…
MIT Sea Grant announces four newly funded projects
MIT Sea Grant has selected four research projects for funding from our annual request for proposals. The four projects are described below; Making Sense of the Variability of Coastal Ocean Acidification: Potential Long-Term Impacts on the Oyster…
Studying the coast and designing sensors: MIT Sea Grant IAP courses
MIT Sea Grant staff taught two courses this January for MIT's The Independent Activities Period, or IAP. IAP is a special four week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month. Students, staff, and faculty…
MIT Sea Grant Annual Request for Proposals
In 2019 MIT Sea Grant will focus our funding resources on the following specific areas of marine research:Aquaculture Technologies: Based on data gathered in our constituent meeting on November 30, 2017, MIT Sea Grant created a new focus area…
RESCUES Guide Book Maine and New Hampshire: Helping to make fishing communities safer
This manual contains step-by-step guidance that will help prepare individuals, groups and entire communities for crises affecting members of the commercial fishing industry.RESCUES stands for ‰Responding to Emergencies at Sea and to Communities…
Now accepting applications for 2019 Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
Applications Due by February 23rd 2018 to MIT Sea Grant.The 2019 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship competition is now open. The Federal Funding Opportunity announcement is attached and instructions…
OPEN FORUM AND DISCUSSION: Offshore Aquaculture & Fisheries, Nov 30 at 11:30
OPEN FORUM AND DISCUSSION: Offshore Aquaculture and FisheriesThursday, November 3011:30 AM to 2:00 PMNW98-152 MIT Sea Grant12 Emily Street, Cambridge, MA 02139You are invited to an open discussion on the opportunities for the Massachusetts and…
Funding Opportunity: Small Business Innovation Research grants for aquaculture
The NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project portal is now open and seeking proposals from small businesses. Sea Grant and the Aquaculture Program Office have four aquaculture projects included in this year¡s opportunities, all…
2019 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship now accepting applications
Applications are due to MIT Sea Grant by 5:00 pm on January 26th, 2018Since 1999, Sea Grant and NMFS have partnered to train students through this joint fellowship program in two specialized areas: population and ecosystem dynamics as well as…