Michael Sacarny
Research Engineer
Michael Sacarny has been in the AUV Lab since 2013. Prior to this, he spent over 35 years designing and implementing complex systems in diverse industries including renewable energy, radioactive waste processing, structural testing, fetal heart monitoring, desktop audio, and digital signal processing tools. In the AUV Lab, he designs and builds ASV and AUV system hardware and software. He is also a licensed captain, and provides operational support to field missions in Boston Harbor and beyond.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, 1976
Master of Engineering, Electrical, Cornell University, 1977
Volunteer Experience
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (2008 – current): Flotilla Staff Officer, Vessel Safety Examiner, Lead Instructor, Boat Crew certified, C.G. Observer on commercial whale watches
Entries by Michael Sacarny
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)