Mary Newton Lima
Mary Newton Lima is the MIT Sea Grant Assistant Director, Administration and Research Coordinator and joined the team in January 2020. Prior to moving to MIT, Mary filled a similar role for a small nonprofit marine research organization on Cape Cod and researched the fast-rising development of offshore wind farms along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Before that, Mary worked as a risk assessor on EPA Superfund, brownfield, and other private or government owned properties analyzing the soil, groundwater, surface water and air for potential chemical contaminants, as well as a marine biologist and environmental scientist during her 20+ year career in private, public and nonprofit organizations.
M.S. in Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami (research focus on elasmobranch biology)
B.A. in Earth and Environmental Science, Wesleyan University
Entries by Mary Newton Lima
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)