High School Students Participate in MIT Sea Grant¡s Ocean Engineering Experience
The Ocean Engineering Experience (OEX) is a one-week, hands-on, residential ocean engineering program for high school students entering their junior or senior year. This program is designed to engage students in challenging real-world educational…
Participate in our joint MIT & Woods Hole Sea Grant Survey
The National Sea Grant Program and individual Sea Grant programs are developing strategic plans for 2014-2018. The four major focus areas for the plan are (1) Healthy Coasts, Oceans and Great Lakes; (2) Safe Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture;…
Synopsis of upcoming REX II presentation at NOAA Conference
MIT Sea Grant intern and Hollings Scholar Collin Perkinson will make a presentation at the NOAA Science and Education Symposium to be held July 31 - August 2, 2012 in Silver Springs, MD. Perkinson will discuss efforts to employ 3D imagery technology…
WGBH interviews MIT Sea Grant¡s Judy Pederson as part of a discussion about an invasive species of seaweed from Asia reaching the East Coast
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